Contents of Amino Acids of Milled Grains from Rice Cultivars of Different Varietal Groups.

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  • 異なる品種群に属する水稲品種の白米中のアミノ酸含量
  • Contents of amino acids of milled grain

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Differences in amounts of essential amino acids (EAA) after hydrolysis of proteins were examined using milled seeds from 10japonica, 10 indica and 5 javanica cultivars. Many essential amino acids, i.e., histidine (His), threonine (Thr), isoleucine (Ile), Ieucine (Leu), and phenylalanine (Phe) were higher in Gaiya Dhan Tosar, and His, Tbr, valine (Val), methionine (Met), Leu and Phe were higher in Hu-nan-zao than in other cultivars (Duncan's multiple range test, p<0.05). The concentrations of Val, Met, Ile, and Leu were higher in Sasanishiki, and concentrations of Val, Met, Leu, and Phe were higher in Somewake and Calrose 76. The concentrations of Phe were higher in Ambar and concentrations of Met were higher in Dao-ren-qiao. Concentrations of lysine (Lys) were higher in Ambar, British Honduras Creole, Dao-ren-qiao, Gaiya Dhan Tosar, Mao-zu-tao, and Milyang 23. Concentrations of His were higher in Rinnatto 7616. Thus, the next goal may be to examine the genetic behavior of essential amino acids. Concentrations of EAA per kg-dry weight were significantly correlated with amounts of EAA per 1000 brown rice grains. The two rice cultivar groups were correctly discriminated based on concentrations of the EAA. However, only glycine (Gly) significantly contributed to the discriminant function.


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