Gelatinization Properties of Some Domestic Wheat Flours and Their Utilization for Confectionery

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  • 市販国産小麦粉の糊化特性と製菓への利用について

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Components and gelatinization properties of two soft wheat flours and a hard wheat flour milled from domestic wheat (DW) were compared with those of a hard and a soft wheat flours milled from imported wheat (IW). The qualities of sponge-cake, pie crust and cream puff crust made from those flours were compared, too<br>The contents of free fatty acids in free lipids contained in flours milled from DW were higher than those in flours from IW. Both the maximum viscosity of flours from DW and the adhesiveness of the gels made from them were higher than those of a flour from imported soft wheat (ISW). Though the sponge cakes made from DW flours were inferior to that from ISW flour in the fineness and uniformity of grain, any significant difference in palatability was not observed between sponge cakes made from one of DW flours and ISW flour. The appearance and texture of the pie crust made from one of DW flours were almost similar to those from the mixture of hard and soft wheat flours milled from IW. The volume and sensory evaluation of cream puff crust made from three DW flours were entirely the same as those of ISW flour.



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