A computer-aided drawing check system for mechanical drawings drawn with CAD system. (1st report). Local dimension check of a single plane projection drawing.

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  • CAD作図された機械図面に対するコンピュータ支援寸法検図システム (第1報) 一面図の局所寸法検図について
  • CAD サクズサレタ キカイ ズメン ニ タイスル コンピュータ シエン スン
  • Local Dimension Check of a Single Plane Projection Drawing
  • 一面図の局所寸法検図について

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CAD drawings contain drawing errors similar to manually-produced drawings. This paper is concerned with a computer-aided drawing check system for the drawing errors. Drawing elements are classified into local elements and global elements. The local elements in a mechanical drawing involve chamfers, rounds, fillets, holes and circular arcs. The problem treated in this paper is the checking of dimensional errors in the local elements. The checking items are the deficiency of dimensions, input-errors in dimension figures and symbols, in mechanical part drawings made by a CAD system. After drawing check, the local elements in the drawings are simplified for the next global dimension check.


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