Determination of Arc Plasma Temperature in EDM Process by Spectroscopic Analysis.

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  • 分光分析による放電加工アークプラズマの温度測定
  • ブンコウ ブンセキ ニヨル ホウデン カコウ アーク プラズマ ノ オンド ソ

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This paper describes a determination of the arc plasma temperature in the electrical discharge machining (EDM) process by measuring the line spectrum intensities radiated from the arc plasma. It has been generally impossible to measure the plasma temperature in EDM process, because the plasma produced in the narrow gap and accompanied with the electrode material removal is usually in an unsteady state. The spectroscopic analysis using an optical fiber and a monocrometer makes it possible to diagnose the plasma without being affected bythese obstacles. In this paper, the temperature is determined from the relative intensities of the lines radiated from three excited energy levels of copper atom. The apparant temperature of the whole radiant area obtained from the experiments is between 6000K and 8000K. However, there is a temperature distribution in the radiating area, and the measured line intensities in the experiments are integrals of contribution from each part of the whole radiant area. Therefore, the line intensities can be analyzed theoretically with the radiant body profile observed by an image converter camera. By comparing the analyzed results with the experimental data, the peak temperature is estimated to be about 10000K.


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