- 西垣 安比古
- 九州大学
- タイトル別名
- チョウセン ノ スマイ ニ オケル ウチ ト ソト セイ ト シ ノ ツウカ
This report attempts to elucidate the order of inner space and outer space in Korean dwellings through rites of passage connected with birth and death by focusing on muga (sharman's chant). In jesok pon puri, jesok's daughter conceives and gives birth three babies as ordinary order of inner/outer space is broken by transcendental power of a priest. After that she goes to a mountain (temple) searching for the priest, and returns to secular life with this priest, so the order of inner/outer space in dwellings is reconstructed. For this reconstruction, it is indispensable to deny the ordinary order of inner/outer space itself. At the same time priest's transcendental power and function of a mountain (temple) as a transcendental place are necessary for this reconstruction. On the other hand the contrast of inner space and outer space in dwellings is revealed clearly through funeral rites. The order of inner/outer space in dwelling and the order of this world/the other world are doubled in extraordinary situation of man's death. At funeral rite, sharman sings parikongju. The prot of this chant is as follows. As the seventh princess of Yi dynasty (parikongju) is deserted, her parents get a serious illness. But the princess saves her parents life by medical water that she brought back from the other world. Thus she becomes the mujo (originator of sharman). To desert this princess means to destroy the order of inner/outer space in dwelling, and this moment of destruction inheres in the order of inner/outer space in itself. Only seventh princess could make resolution to go to the other world to bring back medical water. Only she could make resolution to die. By this resolution the order of inner/outer space is reconstructed, and she becomes originator of sharman.
- 日本建築学会計画系論文報告集
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 403 (0), 125-132, 1989
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
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- 1390282679754950912
- 110004081310
- 10004242824
- AN10040144
- 24330043
- 09108017
- 2946811
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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