THE ETHNICITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIVING SPACE ON VILLAGE IN PENINSULAR MALAYSIA : Multi-ethnicity and the human settlement planning, Malaysia Part 3

  • UTAKA Yushi
    Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Eng., Hiroshima University

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  • マレー半島の村落における住空間の民族性と多様性 : マレーシアの多民族混住と居住空間計画 その3
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The rural area in Malaysia, it has also consisted 3 main ethnic groups as Ethnic Malay, Chinese, and Indian. They has gradually divided on their settlement each of small ethnic group. And, there are various type of houses which have determined by resident's ethnicity. On the Malay house, these are high floor houses and the plan don't have any axis. The spatial using are reflected resident's ethnicity like a prayer's activities. Chinese houses have strong axis from front to rear of house unit, and the house floor level are flat as same as ground level. And, each of architectural production system has divided except the building material's supply which has dominated Chinese traders. The process of housing, there are religious and ritual way of house ornament and these are still effected each of residents. However, on the housing estate which has designed by modern architectural style, and such a style don't have any reflection of ethnicity. It is required for the future housing which should consider about the ethnic culture into the modern housing.



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