画家T・ダニエルにおける理想的な風景とインド建築 : 英国グロースターシャー州セジンコートのインド風庭園(1806(7)-17)


  • AN IDEAL SCENERY AND INDIAN ARCHITECTURE IN AN ARTIST T. DANIELL : The Indian garden at Sezincote in Gloucestershire, England (1806(7)-17)
  • ガカ T ダニエル ニ オケル リソウテキナ フウケイ ト インド ケンチク エイコク グロースターシャーシュウ セジンコート ノ インドフウ テイエン 1806 7 17



An artist Thomas Daniell converted the garden at Sezincote into that of Indian style on the authority of "The Oriental Scenery" in which many Indian landscape paintings were drawn in the style of Claud. There was a garden (named the "Indian garden") which was attached to the House in the style of Mughal. In front of the House, there was the pastoral scenery. And in the valley, there was a water garden (named the "thorny") which was the holy precinct for Hindu gods. Further, in the "thorny", some forms of Indian Architecture were simplified. They was the ideal scenery which was famed for classical literature and had drawn by Claude.


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