Physiological Work Loads During Trekking and Autonomic Nervous Activities at Appreciation of Landscape for Middle and Old Men in Oze National Park

  • Shimazaki Akane
    Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental symbiotic Studies
  • Kashimura Osamu
    Tokyo University of Agriculture Faculty of International Agricultureand Food Studies
  • Minami Kazuhiro
    Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental symbiotic Studies
  • Kashiwagi Tomoya
    Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental symbiotic Studies
  • Ichiba Hiroyuki
    Tokyo University of Agriculture Graduate School of Agriculture Department of Environmental symbiotic Studies

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  • 尾瀬国立公園での中高年男性のトレッキング時における生理的負担度および景観鑑賞時の自律神経活動
  • オゼ コクリツ コウエン デ ノ チュウコウネン ダンセイ ノ トレッキングジ ニ オケル セイリテキ フタンド オヨビ ケイカン カンショウジ ノ ジリツ シンケイ カツドウ

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The purpose of this study was to examine the physiological effects of trekking and appreciation of landscape in Oze National Park. The subjects were 12 healthy men at old and middle age (53±5 yr). The measured physiological parameters were the R-R intervals of the electrocardiogram to analyze heart rate variability. The energy expenditure by Oze trekking was 905 kcal, and the volume of physical exercise calculated from METS that was 30.3 “exercise”. The “Ushikubi” point, the powers of the high frequency component tended to be higher and low frequency to high frequency ratio tended to be lower. The physiological responses suggested that sympathetic nervous activities were suppressed and parasympathetic nervous activities were enhanced in Oze area, and Ushikubi was particularly responsible for reducing the stress. In conclusion, the present study has proved life-style related diseases, the relaxing and stress-relieving effects of Oze by means of a physiological investigation.<br>



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