The relationship between the actual conditions of the window opening and the factors related to green in winter and summer

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  • 冬期・夏期の窓開放の実態と緑との関連性
  • トウキ カキ ノ マド カイホウ ノ ジッタイ ト ミドリ トノ カンレンセイ

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The purpose of this study is to clarify the relationship between the consciousness to green and “the consciousness and behavior to open windows”. The questionnaires were performed for the residents of detached houses of three areas of Kita-Shirakawa (a city area with much green), Nishijin (a city area with a little green), and Rakusai new town (a suburb with much green) in both winter and summer. As a result, people who are more positive to green considered the following factors very important as the reason to open window: health, atmosphere and natural environment. People who are more positive to green considered the things such as sound in a room, insects, crime prevention in winter and dirt of outer air, insects in summer as “the reason they feel difficult to open a window” for them. Some of the correlation coefficients between “time of window opening” and the factors related to green was significant. People who feel healing to green or have taken in green in winter, and people who grow foods or want the vegetable garden in summer tend to open the window for a long time.<br>



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