各種肝疾患における肝Alcohol dehydrogenase活性とIsozymeの研究


  • Studies on Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase Activity and Isozyme of Various Liver Diseases.
  • カクシュ カン シッカン ニ オケル カン Alcohol dehydroge



ADH activity in the extract of liver biopsy specimen was measured at pH 8.6 and 10.0 according to Wartburg. Liver ADH activity in chronic hepatitis with sublobular necrosis and liver cirrhosis decreased significantly. In a case of hepatocellular carcinoma ADH level decreased more significantly than in the cases mentioned above. ADH in non-alcoholic fatty liver and alcoholic liver injury, determined at pH 10.0, decreased comparing to normal. An atypical ADH was most frequently detected in alcoholic liver injury and not in controls. <BR>A decreases ADH activity in either Band II or III was observed in chronic hepatitis with sublobular necrosis and liver cirrhosis. In alcoholic liver injuries, an atypical ADH was detected associating with decreased Band II. It is suggested that a certain isozyme pattern of ADH as well as the other enzymes could represent de-differentiation of the liver parenchymal cells since Band I and II of ADH which were detected in fetal and newborn liver, increased in a case of hepatocellular carcinoma.


  • 肝臓

    肝臓 18 (4), 231-238, 1977

    一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

