Study on Motion Accuracy Enhancement in NC Machine Tools
- HIGUCHI Takuro
- 東京農工大学大学院
- MANABE Yoshiki
- 雇用・能力開発機構静岡センター
- SATO Ryuta
- 三菱電機(株) 先端技術総合研究所
- TSUTSUMI Masaomi
- 東京農工大学
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- NC工作機械の運動精度向上に関する研究
- NC工作機械の運動精度向上に関する研究--トルク変化に対応する自律形象限突起補償器の開発
- NC コウサク キカイ ノ ウンドウ セイド コウジョウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ トルク ヘンカ ニ タイオウ スル ジリツ ケイショウゲン トッキ ホショウキ ノ カイハツ
- —Development of Autonomous Quadrant Glitch Compensator Corresponding to Torque Change—
- —トルク変化に対応する自律形象限突起補償器の開発—
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In this paper, an autonomous compensator for the quadrant glitch was developed, and its effectiveness is verified through simulation and experiments. The autonomous compensator composes of the newly developed torque following compensator and the friction compensator, which was already developed by our group. The principle of the developed torque following compensator is to correct the difference between an ideal torque and an actual torque with changing of torque due to friction changes. Only the developed compensator was applied to the controller, and simulation and experiment were conducted. As the results, it is found that the height of quadrant glitches only decreases up to about 50 %. However, the developed compensator can effectively correct the fluctuation of the height of quadrant glitches due to friction change and the difference of the heights by the friction force change has considerably become small. Then, the friction compensator was used together with the torque following compensator. Thus, it was confirmed that the quadrant glitches effectively disappeared.
- Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering
Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering 76 (5), 535-540, 2010
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679773565952
- NII Article ID
- 130000421821
- NII Book ID
- AN1003250X
- 1882675X
- 09120289
- 20.500.14094/90001946
- 10699457
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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