An approximate theory of deformation of a thick plate. (2nd Report). The case of an anisotropic thick plate.

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Other Title
  • 厚板の変形に関する近似理論 II  異方性厚板の場合
  • アツイタ ノ ヘンケイ ニ カンスル キンジ リロン 2 イホウセイ アツイタ
  • The Case of an Anisotropic Thick Plate
  • 異方性厚板の場合

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In this paper, the approximate theory for an isotropic thick plate presented in the previous paper is extended for an anisotropic plate, and general two dimensional equations in the n-th order approximation are derived for deformation of anisotropic plate with arbitrary thickness. For a graphite/epoxy composite plate under sinusoidally distributed load at the upper surface, the approximate equations presented are solved and the solution is compared with the exact one and with those of several other approximate theories by numerical calculation. The following results are obtained : (1) With increasing the order of approximation, the solution of the approximate equations approaches the exact solution. (2) The accuracy of approximate solution decreases with increasing in the strength of anisotropic property and in the thickness of the plate. (3) The limit of application of approximate equations for any given anisotropic thick plate can easily be estimated by preliminary calculation as shown in this paper.


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