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  • 狭窄型虚血性小腸炎の1例

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Ischemic enteritis is a relatively rare entity, and stenosis type of the disease has been reported in a total of 44 cases including our case.<br>A 66-year-old man was seen at the hospital because of periumbilical abdominal pain. Abdominal CT scan and fluoroscopic study with contrast medium through a long intestinal tube offered a suspicion of stenotic lesion of the small intestine. Conservative therapy was unsuccessful and laparotomy was performed. During surgery, we identified small bowel thickening which completely encircled the small intestine and extended by 15cm, 140cm proximal to the ileocecal value. On the resected material, centripetal tubular stenosis and whole-circumferential ulcer were demonstrated. Together with the results of histopathological exploration, stenosis type ischemic enteritis was diagnosed.<br>It is etiologically suggested that his previous histories of cardiac disorder and undergoing laparotomy might contribute to he onset of ischemic enteritis. Although we often have difficulties in preoperative diagnosis of ischemic enteritis, we can make preoperative diagnosis in some degree by using abdominal CT scan and fluoroscopic study with contrast medium through a long intestinal tube. This case is reported, with some bibliographical comments.


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