Clinical Study of Colorectal Cancer Found in Proctologic Hospital

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  • こう門科受診患者における大腸癌の特徴

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A total of 38, 212 patients underwent colonoscopic examination at Tokorozawa Proctologic Hospital (TPH) from 1995 to 2001. Colorectal cancers (advanced cancer : 498, early cancer : 264) were found in 762 patients (2.0%). The incidence of advanced cancers was higher in male patients than that in females (p<0.01). The mean age of patients with advanced cancer (62.4) was significantly older than that of patients with early cancer (59.8 ; p<0.02). Most of our patients with colorectal cancer underwent surgical treatment at National Defense Medical College Hospital (NDMCH). From 1995 to 1999, 743 operations for colorectal cancer were performed at NDMCH, of which 257 (34.6%) were referred from our hospital. We compared the clinical features between patients from our hospital and those from other hospitals. Significant differences in characteristics of our patients were found in the chief complaint (hemorrhage), the location of the tumors (rectum), mean age (younger), and advanced clinical stage.<BR>Patients with chronic anal disease seemed to overlook hematochezia as a symptom of colorectal cancer. Proctologists should pay attention to this point.


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