

  • Psychosomatic Medicine and QOL
  • 心身医学とQOL(第32回日本心身医学会総会特別講演)
  • シンシン イガク ト QOL ダイ 32カイ ニホン シンシン イガッカイ ソ



I wish to describe the outline of my life work of establishing the concept and practice of the Japanese psychosomatic medicine based upon the Oriental mind-body non-dualism. Soon after the introduction of biopsychosocial medical model (Engel) I proposed to add an ecological (bioethical) factor to this model. For the similar reason I developed the concept of alexisomia and alexicosmia in addition to that of alexithymia (Sifneos). Secondarily, I advocated that the Oriental preventive and therapeutic approaches which activate self-healing vital energy (Qi) must be re-evaluated as the core of Western psychosomatic medicine which combines somatic treatment and psychotherapy. Thus truly holistic understanding and treatment of the patient in Japanese psychosomatic medicine can not only be a core of modern medicine but also a root for overcoming the world crisis at present. I have found the essential role of Oriental somatopsychic selfcontrol such as Zazen. Yoga, Qi-gong etc. lies in the disolution of alexithymia, alexisomia and alexicosmia and activation of the potentials for homeostasis and selfrealization. Thus the concomittant use of these somatopsychic selfcontrols with various psychotherapies usually deepen the patient's experiential level and heightens the effect of psychotherapies. Our study on the cases of spontaneous regression of cancer, where the awakening to existential aspects of human beings induced by the sentence of incurable terminal cancer seems to stimulate psychoneuroimmunological activity to the maximal degree, may provide the concept of Oriental psychosomatic medicine based on existential philosophy with a scientific proof. The concept of QOL which was originated from the bioethical concept at terminal care is recently widely spreading all over the medical practice, especially for the purpose of holistic evaluation of the effect of various drugs, surgical operations, care for the aged and terminal cases etc. This tendency will contribute to the penetration of biopsychosocioethical concept to all fields of medicine and heighten the concern of social public to biopsychosocioethical medicine. However, too simple methods for the evaluation of QOL, which are inclined to miss the complex psychophysical mechanisms explored by the orthodox psychosomatic medicine must be re-evaluated by the orthodox psychological texts and biopsychosocioethical interviews. Thus, we are planning to support the sound development of QOL as a part of biopsychosocioethical medicine.


  • 心身医学

    心身医学 32 (1), 9-17, 1992

    一般社団法人 日本心身医学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記


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