Molecular Mechanisms of Psycho-somatic Disorders
- Senba Emiko
- Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Wakayama Medical University
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- Other Title
- 心身症発症の分子メカニズム
- 招聘講演 心身症発症の分子メカニズム
- ショウヘイコウエン シンシンショウ ハッショウ ノ ブンシ メカニズム
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We used immediate early genes (IEGs) of fos-and jun-families as markers of cellular activation to investigate the neural circuit of stress perception and stress response. Immobilization stress induced a marked expression of IEGs not only in the brain, but also in peripheral organs of rats. IEGs expression in the cardiac myocytes, together with changes in electrocardiomyogram, induced by immobilization were attributed to the activation of sympathetic system and α_1- and β_1-adrenergic receptors on cardiac myocytes. On the other hand, peripheral organs and tissues may also affect the central nervous system via various cytokines. For example, peripheral inflammation triggers synthesis of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-6,in the brain, which may contribute to the activation of HPA axis and stress response. Leptin is a kind of cytokines synthesized in adipose tissue and released in response to elevated blood glucose and insulin. It then activates arcuate neurons via leptin receptors (OB-Rb) and regulate feeding behavior and energy metabolism.
- Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 42 (3), 167-176, 2002
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679864332800
- NII Article ID
- 110001116838
- NII Book ID
- AN00121636
- 21895996
- 03850307
- 6092478
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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