Psychosocial Factors with School Non-attendance(<Special Issue>Psychosomatic Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence)
- Murakami Katsumi
- Department of Pediatrics, Sakai Hospital Kinki University School of Medicine
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- Other Title
- 不登校に伴う心身症状 : 考え方と対応(<特集>小児をめぐる心身医学)
- 不登校に伴う心身症状--考え方と対応
- フトウコウ ニ トモナウ シンシン ショウジョウ カンガエカタ ト タイオウ
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School non-attendance is often caused by a combination of several factors. In most cases, regardless of its underlying cause, school non-attendance is preceded by frequent, unidentified complaints. Physical symptoms identified in absentees include hyperactivity, chronic headache, and irritable bowel syndrome-symptoms similar to those of psychosomatic disorders (PSD), which indicate a close association between PSD and school non-attendance. If we properly address students at an early stage of absenteeism, carefully paying attention to their unidentified complaints, this may help prevent long-term school non-attendance. We should be careful not to confuse school non-attendance with truancy, or overlook physical symptoms in students.
- Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
Japanese Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine 49 (12), 1271-1276, 2009
Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine
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- 1390282679868073600
- NII Article ID
- 110007482577
- NII Book ID
- AN00121636
- 21895996
- 03850307
- 10445425
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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