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  • 無喉頭音声 習得方法と発声機構  人工喉頭音声

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To learn the present status of alaryngeal speech and to evaluate the satisfaction of patients with their current method of alaryngeal communication, a retrospective survey of patients who underwent total laryngectomy was carried out by questionnaire. A total of 681 of 971 laryngectomees in Osaka-Kyoto area responded to the survey.<BR>Patients were divided into five groups according to their current method of communication: 1) writing, 2) esophageal speech, 3) electrolarynx, 4) pneumatic artificial larynx and 5) tracheoesophageal speech.<BR>Patients using a pneumatic artificial larynx were significantly more satisfied with their speech (p<0.01) and also rated their overall quality of life higher (p<0.01) . On the other hand, patients with an electrolarynx were less satisfied with their speech and QOL.<BR>The importance of electrolarynx has increased in spite of low satisfaction with speech and QOL, because the rate of patients using the electrolarynx has tended to increase.


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