Effects of Anti-Oketsu Drugs, Keishibukuryogan and Tokishakuyakusan on Platelet Aggregation in Normal Human Volunteer

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Effects of anti-oketsu drug, Keishibukuryogan (Gui-zhi-fu-ling-wan) and Tokishakuyakusan (Dang-gui-shao-yao-san) in vivo and in vitro on platelet aggregation were investigated in normal volunteers.<br>Of 20 volunteers who were given Keishibukuryogan, there were 6, 3 and 11 subjects whose dose-response curves of collagen-induced aggregations were shifted to the right, to the left, or who had no shift, respectively. The control aggregations of these 20 people were in the same range. In ADP-induced aggregation, there were 5 curves shifted to the right. Their potencies in the control aggregation were higher than those of 9 subjects who were not affected by the drug. There were 6 curves shifted to the left, and their potencies were lower than those of the 9 unaffected subjects. Of 12 volunteers who were given Tokishakuyakusan, there were 2, 2 and 8 subjects whose dose-response curves in collagen-induced aggregation were shifted to the right, the left, or who had no shift respectively. With ADP-induced aggregation, there were 1, 1 and 10 subjects whose doseresponse curves were shifted likewise. In vitro, Keishibukuryogan caused inhibition of ADP-induced aggregation but not that of collagen-induced aggregation.


  • Kampo Medicine

    Kampo Medicine 56 (4), 561-566, 2005

    The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine

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