

  • Paddy Field Dermatitis in Saitama Prefecture
  • サイタマケン ノ スイデン ヒフエン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 エキガクテキ チョウサ
  • (I) Epidemiological studies
  • (1) 疫学的調査



A paddy field dermatitis of unknown etiology has occurred among the inhabitants in the eastern region of Saitama Prefecture.It has been designated locally by such term as “Kayui-Kayui-byo” which means an itching disease.<BR>In order to ascertain the cause of the disease, the epidemiological investigations have been made since 1967.<BR>The dermatitis breaks out generally in the farmers working in paddy fields and is characterized by erythromatopapulo-vesicular eruptions accompanied which severe itching.The chief symptoms are observed on the parts exposed to water, especially on forearms and lower legs.<BR>The dermatitis occurrs from mid-May to early in July when rice-planting is on.The epidemiological and clinical findings suggest that the dermatitis is quite similar to that of already known bird schistosomes and that it is probably caused by the invasion of bird schistosome cercariae into the human skin.


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