

  • The change in salivary taurine level following 3 consecutive soccer match in collegiate male soccer players
  • ダンシ ダイガク サッカー センシュ ニ オケル シアイ ガッシュク ゼンゴ ノ ダエキ チュウ タウリン ノウド ノ ヘンドウ



Strenuous and consecutive exercise results in fatigue symptoms accompanied decrease in salivary secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in athletes. On the other hand, it has been reported that plasma taurine concentration was increased after the high intensity exercise. However, change in salivary taurine concentration after strenuous and consecutive exercise is unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between fatigue symptoms and changes in salivary taurine concentration in collegiate male soccer players. Thirty seven collegiate male soccer players participated in three consecutive days of match program. To detect of fatigued players, we measured awakening heart rate and body weight. As the results of these two measurements, we divided subjects to two groups (non-fatigue group, n=15; fatigue group, n=22). We also measured salivary sIgA and taurine concentrations before and after program. Before the program, there were no significant differences in any parameters between two groups. Salivary flow rate and sIgA secretion rate were significantly decreased after the program in the fatigue group. Furthermore, salivary taurine concentration was significantly increased after the program in the fatigue group. In the non-fatigue group, there were no significant differences in any parameters during program. Our results indicated that salivary taurine concentration increased after consecutive high-intense exercise in the collegiate male soccer players.


  • 体力科学

    体力科学 63 (4), 409-414, 2014


参考文献 (21)*注記



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