Effects of Long-term Treatment with Osmotic Diuretics on Symptoms and Electro-cochleogram in Meniere's Disease

DOI 22 References Open Access
  • Kitahara Takashi
    Department of Otolaryngology, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Takeda Noriaki
    Department of Otolaryngology, University of Tokushima School of Medicine
  • Koizuka Izumi
    Department of Otolaryngology, St. Marianna Medical University School of Medicine
  • Ogino Hitoshi
    Department of Otolaryngology, Ohtemae Hospital

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  • メニエール病に対する浸透圧利尿薬の長期連続投与の治療効果とか電図におよぼす影響

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We treated 7 cases of Meniere's disease with an oral osmotic diuretic, isosorbide, at a dose of 90 ml per day for more than one year (mean: 31.7 months). One case suffered from bilateral Meniere's disease. The long-term administration of constant daily amounts of isosorbide attained good long-term results in vertigo but poor in hearing according to the criteria of the Japan Society for Equilibrium Research for Meniere's disease. The results were as follows: the administration of isosorbide completely controlled vertigo in 29% and improved it in 42%, however, hearing was unchanged in 71% and worsened in 29%. To see if long-term follow-up of Meniere's patients using electro-cochleogram (ECoG) is useful for determination of therapeutic effects of isosorbide and establishment of its effective medication protocol, we examined relation-ships between long-term results of oral medication of isosorbide and the medication-induced changes in dominant -SP of ECoG. All eight affected ears of seven cases showed dominant -SP at their first visit and half of them didn't show it anymore after the long-term medication. There was no significant relationship between normalization of ECoG findings and improvement of vertigo. These findings indicate that normalization of ECoG findings cannot be a good marker for determination of therapeutic effects of isosorbide or establishment of its effective medication protocol.


  • Equilibrium Research

    Equilibrium Research 63 (3), 237-241, 2004

    Japan Society for Equilibrium Research


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