運動単位の発射様式に関する基礎的研究 単一運動と複合運動との比較


  • The Firing Pattern of Motor Units in the Mono-and Multidirectional Muscle.
  • ウンドウ タンイ ノ ハッシャ ヨウシキ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ
  • 単一運動と複合運動との比較



Motor unit firing behavior in human tibialis anterior (TA) muscle and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL) muscle was studied during controlled isometric contraction.<br>In TA muscle, during voluntary isometric contraction myoelectric activity was collected from healthy subjects using two quadrifilar electrodes inserted 3-4 inches apart. Motor units collected from each needle were decomposed separately to each motor unit action potential train, using the EMG signal decomposition technique developed by De Luca and colleagues. Crosscorrelation function was calculated from motor unit firing rate fluctuations. High crosscorrelation values were found between motor units collected within individual needle, but also between motor units collected from each needle. And about the relationship between the force at recruitment and the force at derecruitment, positive linear correlation was observed. So it is concluded that the nervous system does not control the firing rates of motor units individually, instead it acts on the pool of the homonymous motorneurons in a uniform fashion when the muscle acts in one direction wherever the motor unit locates in the muscle. Highly ordered recruitment and derecruitment scheme remains stable wherever the motor unit locates in the muscle. It suggests that the size principal act well when the muscle acts in one direction wherever the motor unit locates in the muscle.<br>In ECRL muscle, during voluntary isometric contraction myoelectric activity was also collected from healthy subjects using the same technique. And it is found that some motor units respond more to extension force and some more to abduction force. It is concluded that in multifunctional muscle the motor units are not activated homogeneously, because the input to the motorneurons of the ECRL is to be two dimensional and consist of an extend channel and abduct channel or to be multidimensional and consist of a spread of channels from extension to abduction and the channels have differences in the pattern of synaptic connections to the motorneurons. The behavior of motorneurons is consistent with a multichannel control of a muscle's motorneurons. It appears that the brain motor commands are patterned in terms of movements rather than in terms of muscles since the final path is not common, but rather involves different connectivities in the motorneuron pools for movements in different directions.


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