Relationship between Oral Health Behavior and Oral Health Status in Adults
- TAMURA Michiko
- Department of Health, Shinjuku-ku:Oral Health Promotion, Department of International Health Development, Division of Public Health, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
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- Other Title
- 成人における口腔健康習慣と口腔保健状況との関連
- セイジン ニ オケル コウクウ ケンコウ シュウカン ト コウクウ ホケン ジョウキョウ ト ノ カンレン
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between oral health behavior and oral health status in adults. The subjects were 2,343 people living at Shinjuku Ward in Tokyo, who received dental health examinations for periodontal disease in 2001 and 2002. The ages of them were 40, 50 and 60. Their practice of the following nine items was elucidated by questionnaire, and the relationship between these oral health behavior points and the oral health status of the subjects was analyzed (1) To receive oral health check-ups regularly (2) To have received scaling within the past year (3) To use dental floss or interdental brush (4) To use fluoridated toothpaste (5) To spend appropriate time for tooth brushing (6) Not to smoke (7) To conduct self-check-ups of oral cavity using hand mirror (8) To recognize the risk of smoking for periodontal disease (9) To know the number of teeth present Although more than 90% of the subjects had oral health problems, some of them did not realize the symptoms at all. Therefore, to receive regular oral health examination should be recommended. As the number of present teeth of smokers was less than that of non-smokers, dental professionals should be involved in smoking cessation programs to help the patients to quit smoking. The subjects who had high scores in oral health behavior showed better periodontal health and had fewer decayed and missing teeth. High scoring subjects in oral health behaviors had more family dentists than low scoring subjects. It was concluded that it is necessary for dentists to provide adequate oral health education messages to patients, to increase their awareness of oral health and practice good oral health behaviors, whenever the patients visited dental clinics.
JOURNAL OF DENTAL HEALTH 55 (3), 173-185, 2005
Japanese Society for Oral Health
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679980622720
- NII Article ID
- 110004015542
- NII Book ID
- AN00081407
- 21897379
- 00232831
- 7440262
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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