

  • ヒテイケイ コウサンキン ノ ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ 1 M.Kansasii ノ モルモット ニ オケル キュウニュウ カンセン ショキゾウ , オヨビ ケイサン チュウニュウ , BCG セッシュ ノ エイキョウ
  • I. On the Changes in the Early Stage of Airborne Infection with Mycobacterium Kansasii in Guinea Pigs. The Influence of BCG Vaccination and Intratracheal Infusion of Silica
  • 1.Mkansasiiのモルモットにおける吸入惑染初期像,および珪酸注入,BCG接種の影響



Patients with atypical mycobacteriosis have been detected more frequently among persons exposed to dust because of their occupation than among other persons.<BR>The influence of dust inhalation on the infection with atyp i c al mycobacteria was observed experimentally by many investigators.<BR>In the present study, the influence of intratracheal dust infusion and BCG vacciriatH: n on the early stage of airborne infection with mycobacterium kansasii was observed in guinea pigs.<BR>I. Experimental groups (see Fig.1)<BR>i) The first group; Silica gr. ) w as infected with Miura strain (M. kansasii) by route 2 weeks after intratracheal infusion of amorphous silica suspension.<BR>ii) The second group (BCG vaccinated gr. ) was infected w ith Miura strain 3 weeks after subcutaneous inoculation with O.1 mg dried BCG vaccine.<BR>iii) The third group 'control \C-Li only in f e cted with Miura strain witbut silica infusion.<BR>iv) The fourth group (Si control gr. was submitted to intratracheal infusion of silica without infection with Miura Strain.<BR>II. Methods of observation<BR>Two or six guine a pigs of each group were sacrificed 3 hours, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after infection.<BR>A part of the lung tissue and tracheal lymph node were homogenized and subjected to cultivation.<BR>Neighbouring parts of the cultured tissues were examined pathohistologically.<BR>III. Results i) In the lungs, the number of viable bacilli increased considerably in all infected groups up to 7th clity after infection. In the 1st and 2nd groups multiplication of bacilli continued till the 14th day after infection.<BR>The number of viable bacilli decreased at 14th day after infection in the 3rd group and decreased at 21st day after infection in he remaining groups, but the decreases was not obvious in the 1st group. (Fig.2)<BR>In the tracheal lymph node, the number of viable bacilli increased remarkably up to 14th day after infection and decreased at the 21st day after infection in all infected groups. (Fig.3)<BR>ii) Pathohistological examination revealed only small epithelioid cell tubercles 14 day s after infection in the lungs of the 2nd and 3rd groups.<BR>In the 1st and 4th groups, a large number o f alveolar macrophages: o-td giant cells, containing silica particles were found in the alveolar walls and spaces.<BR>In the 1st group, a few bacilli were found in these m a c rophages; Ind giant cells, but numerous bacilli observed as in the case of infection with virulent tubercle bacilli were not found. In the tracheal lymph node, necrotic lesions were found in the 1st group and also in the 3rd group.


  • 結核

    結核 46 (1), 13-17, 1971

    一般社団法人 日本結核病学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

