

  • サイキン ニ オケル ハイケッカク ゲカ リョウホウ ノ スイイ ショウワ 38 43ネン ノ 6ネンカン ニ オケル セイセキ
  • —Observations during the Period from 1963 to 1968—
  • ―結核療法研究協議会―



The total number of surgical treatment conducted at the institutions participating to the committee was 3, 587 in 1963, and it gradually decreased to 1, 379 in 1968, which corresponds to 37% of the figure in 1963.<BR>The proportion of cas e s with preoperative positive sputum was 42% in 1963, and it dropped to 27% in 1968. The proportion of cavitary cases was 72% in 1963 and 76%, in 1968. Dividing by the % VC, cases with % VC below 50, 51 to 70, and over 71 were 8%, 20% and 72%, respectively. Cases with % VC below 50 occupied 14% of sputum positive cases and 5% of sputum negative cases. Among cavitary cases, 49% was sputum negative in 1963, and the rate raised to 66% in 1968.<BR>Observing by the m ethod of operation, resection occupied 75% (pneumonectomy 11%, lobectomy 43% and other resection 21%), thoracoplasty 17% and other operations 8%. During the period from 1963 to 1968, the proportion of pneumonectomy unchanged, that of other resection, thoracoplasty and other operations decreased, while the proportion of lobectomy increased from 22% in 1963 to 53% in 1968. Thoracoplasty was conducted more frequently for bacilli positive cases than for negative cases.<BR>Over-all results of surgical treatment c o nducted during the period from 1963 to 1968 were the following: successful 84.3%, died 2.3% and cases with post-operative complications 5.7%. Comparing by the preoperative bacteriological status, the rate of successful cases was 74% for bacilli positive cases and 92% for negative cases, the mortality rate was 4.7% and 1.3%, respectively, and the incidence of post-operative complications was 9.9% and 3.1%, respectively. Observing by the method of operation, the rate of successful cases was 91.3% for lobectomy and other operations, 74.5% for pneumonectomy, 73.9% for thoracoplasty and 64.1% for other operations.<BR>The mortality rate of pneumonectomy was 8.3% in 1963, and it has been improved during the latter half of the period and fell to 4.3% in 1968. The incidence rate of post-operative complications also showed improvement among cases receiving pneumonectomy during this period; it was 14.2%, in 1963 and 6.9%, in 1968. The incidence rate of post-operative complications has reduced also among cases receiving lobectomy and other resections as well as other operations.<BR>The mortality rate and the incidence rate of post operative complications were observed among bacilli positive cases, Similar trend as mentioned above was also found in these cases, and the improvement was most marked in the incidence rate of post-operative complications of pneumonectomy.


  • 結核

    結核 46 (3), 71-75, 1971

    一般社団法人 日本結核病学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

