

  • An Observation on Action Potentials of the Small Bronchioles in a Cat
  • キカン シキン カツドウ デンイ ノ カンサツ



Action potentials were recorded from the smooth muscles of the small bronchioles (under 1 mm in diameter) with needle electrodes and glass capillary microelectrodes in a nembutalized cat. The results obtained were as follows.<BR>1) A local application of a drop of diluted acetylcholine solution produced an increase in the frequency of the spontaneous discharges and adrenaline administration resulted in a decrease or abolition of the spontaneous discharges.<BR>2) Spontaneous discharges from the bronchiole muscle and nerves were recorded in a denervated and immobilized lung.<BR>3) Waxing and waning of the spontaneous spike discharges was observed by continuous electrical stimulation of the cut vagus nerve.<BR>4) Intracellularer recording revealed that an evoked action potential of a bronchiole muscle fiber was preceded by a slow potential composed of small electric wavelets.<BR>5) Some aspects of a mode of activity of a single muscle fiber in the small bronchioles were discussed.


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