慢性肺疾患におけるα1 Protease inhibitorの肺動静脈較差


  • Pulmonary veno-arterial .ALPHA.1protease inhibitor difference in patients with chronic lung disease.



In twenty-six patients with clinically stable chronic lung disease who underwent right heart catheterization we evaluated α1 protease inhibitor (α1PI) with paired plasma of mixed venous blood and arterial blood applying the rocket immunoelectrophoretic method and elastase inhibitory capacity.<br>Basically, α1PI levels of mixed venous blood tended to be higher compared to those of arterial blood. Inactive α1PI ratio, calculated by the formula of [(α1PI given by rocket immunoelectrophoretic mehtod-α1PI given by elastase inhibitory capacity)/α1PI given by elastase inhibitory capacity], was 35.4% in arterial blood and 26.4% in mixed venous blood, in contrast to the normal venous blood control value of 10.6%.<br>When the subjects are grouped into restrictive lung disease and obstructive diseases, the latter showed a more inactive α1PI ratio (48.3% in arterial blood and 37.1% in mixed venous blood) than the former (20.0% vs 14.5%). Such findings suggest that dynamic α1PI changes occur more extensively in obstructive lung disorders than restrictive ones. By acute inhalation of low-flow oxygen, levels of α1PI seemed to increase in samples from both arterial and venous blood and moreover, inactive α1PI ratio decreased at the arterial blood site. Oxygen therapy may have beneficial effects on α1PI metabolism depending on the condition of the lung.


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