チベット,ラサ山地におけるチベットヤマウズラ <i>Perdix hodgsoniae</i> の繁殖生態


  • Reproductive Ecology of Tibetan Partridge Perdix hodgsoniae in Lhasa Mountains, Tibet



Data on the breeding ecology of Tibetan Partridges (Perdix hodgsoniae) were collected in shrub environments near Lhasa, Tibet, during 1999-2001. Partridge flocks broke up in mid-March and individuals typically formed socially monogamous pair bonds. During daily activities the both members of the pair were close to each other, with 73.5% of observed individual distances less than 2m. The egg-laying period extended from late May to late June. Average egg size was 16.1 (±SE=0.2) g in mass and 39.2 (±0.1)×28.1(±0.1) mm in dimension. Average clutch size was 8.3 (±0.8, range 5-12) The partridge produced larger eggs and smaller clutches than its two congener species, Grey Partridge (P. perdix) and Daurian Partridge (P. dauuricae). Incubation lasted about 23 days, and 44.4% of clutches successfully hatched. Vegetation characteristics were the most important determinants of partridge nest-site choice, with patches of low, sparse, and secondary cover being preferred. Nest-sites were also significantly closer to paths than random sites.


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