

  • Clinical Effects of Drug Resistant Enterococcus-Preparation on Infectious Diarrhea
  • コウセイザイ タザイ タイセイ ニュウサンキン セイザイ ニ ヨル カンセンセイ ゲリショウ ノ チリョウ ニ ツイテ



It is well known that in the course of antibiotic treatment there sometimes occur alterations in enteral bacterial populations and superinfections as a results of the disruption of the usual enteral bacterial flora. It is also recognized that the certain bacterial flora such as enterococci can provide the host animals with the resistance to some intestinal infections such as salmonellosis.<BR>The authors tried Entomol-San, an antibiotic resistant enterococcus (streptococcas faecalis BIO-4R) preparation on patients of bacillary dysentery, its suspects, and salmonellosis and its clinical effects were evaluated in this paper.<BR>Entomol-San was administrated in combination with antibiotics and its eradication effects on Shigella and Salmonellae were compared with the control (cases with antibiotic only). Recognizable differences were not observed between them. However, in the effects to the normalization of the stool appearances Entomol-San yielded better results than antibiotic alone. In the cases with Entomol-San and antibiotics, the mean requiring day for the normalization of stool appearances was 3.3 in 11 dysentery cases, 5.63 in 11 salmonellosis, and 3.47 in 15 cases of acute enteritis without known pathogens. These data appeared obviously superior to the results obtained by the 1971's study team in antibiotic therapy of intestinal infectious diseases.<BR>Further, the bacteriological investigations revealed that BIO-4R strains could often be recovered from the feces of the patients after Entomol-San administrations. In the mixed culture, the drug resistance of BIO-4R was not transferred into Escherichia coli K-12 strains.


  • 感染症学雑誌

    感染症学雑誌 48 (2), 41-46, 1974

    一般社団法人 日本感染症学会

被引用文献 (1)*注記



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