Occurrence and Distribution of non-01 <I>Vibrio</I> cholerae and its Enterotoxigenicity (Six years study)

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  • Non-O1 <I>Vibrio cholerae</I>の分布 (1976-1981) およびその毒素産生性について
  • Non-O1 Vibrio choleraeの分布(1976-1981)およびその毒素産生性について
  • Non-O1 Vibrio cholerae ノ ブンプ 1976 - 198
  • Occurrence and Distribution of non-01 Vibrio cholerae and its Enterotoxigenicity (Six years study)

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During the period of 1976-1981, a total 3, 598 strains of non-01 Vibrio cholerae submitted from various countries. All of the 3, 598 strains possessed biochemical characteristics confirmed to the minimal number of characters for the identification of V. cholerae with some exceptions in tests for lysine decarboxylase and ONPG. All the strains were agglutinated by an H-antiserum of V. cholerae.<BR>Eighty-two serovars were recognized among 3, 230 out of the 3, 598 strains, whereas serovars of the remaining 368 were undeterminable because of their inagglutinability by any antisera or of the R mutant of the culture. Geographic differences in the distribution of serovars among strains were not observed, nor were there any significant difference between strains from human patients and those from other sources. However, usefulness of the serovar determination of non-01 V. cholerae in the epidemiological investigation was confirmed in several outbreak of infection with non-01 V. cholerae, in which a single serovar was associated with each patient involuved.<BR>A total of 809 strains of V. cholerae including 335 01 V. cholerae and 474 non-01 vibrios were tested for their enterotoxigenicity by reversed passive latex agglutination (RPLA) assay. In 01 V. cholerae, 71% of human isolates and 30% of isolates from seafish and natural environments produced cholera toxin. In non-01 V. cholerae, on the other hand, only 16% of human isolates and 17% of isolates from other source were demonstrated to produce enterotoxin neutralized with cholera antitoxin. There was no correlation between serovars of non-01 V. cholerae and their ability to produce cholera toxin.<BR>Recent status of contamination of natural environments with V. cholerae in industrial countries was discussed and an attention was given to them as potential sources of human infection.


  • Kansenshogaku Zasshi

    Kansenshogaku Zasshi 56 (11), 1017-1024, 1982

    The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases

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