A New AM Transmitter using Digital Phase Shifting.

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  • ディジタル位相シフトを利用した新型AM送信機
  • ディジタル イソウ シフト オ リヨウシタ シンガタ AM ソウシンキ

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This paper presents a new type of AM transmitter which can produce AM waves directly from digitized audio signals by shifting the phase of the signals digitally using a frequency twelve times as high as the carrier. The transmitter consists of six switching-type RF power amplifiers with a maximum peak output power of 330 W, a 12-bit A/D converter, a ROM for waveform compensation (arc sin etc.), phase shifters/selectors for producing carrier pulse width signals, and a power combiner. The transmitter displays high overall efficiency of 67% (RF output/DC input), an SN ratio of 68 dB, and about 0.9% total harmonic distortion at 80% modulation.


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