

  • Optimal chromatic information conversion method for full-color images on LED display panels.
  • LED パネル デ フル カラー ガゾウ オ サイゲンスル タメ ノ シキサイ



Colorimetric design of the conventional television system has been based on colors of the CRT and the standard illuminant, characteristics of video cameras were decided according to their chromaticity values. Because LED and LCD display panels used for full-color display have different color characteristics, new design parameters should be considered. Since conventional video cameras are used for the present system, another design is necessary for both CRT and LED displays to be used.<BR>This paper proposes a new method for converting colorimetric information to give optimal color reproduction. It applies the method of least squares to color differences between original and reproduced colors. Conversion parameters are obtainable by solving a ninth-order simultaneous linear equation. Since the equation is expressed dependent of the spectral characteristics of LED's, its solution is general and applicable to other cases.


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