特集 次世代画像技術 視覚機能から見た立体映像の呈示条件


  • Special Issue Image Technology of Next Generation. Evaluation of Stereoscopic 3D Display in Terms of Human Visual Function.
  • シカク キノウ カラ ミタ リッタイ エイゾウ ノ テイジ ジョウケン



The stereoscopic 3D display that uses binocular disparity techniques is widely used as an effective three dimensional display, but there are various problems with stereoscopic 3D images. One of the major problems in stereoscopic 3D display is the mismatch of distance between the accommodation and convergence of human eyes. Experiments were conducted to understand how the stereoscopic 3D images influence human visual functions. The measurement of eye movements showed that cooperative movements of binocular eyes were frequently broken while viewing 3D images in which disparities were large. The measurement of accommodation response time showed that the far-to-near response time was longer after looking at 3D images than it was before viewing. The increases in far-to-near response time increased with the degree of binocular disparity. The results of these measurements showed that within the some limited range of disparity the influence of stereoscopic 3D images may not be significant for human eyes.


被引用文献 (41)*注記


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