Moderating effect of social support on the relationship between psychopathic traits and immoral behaviors

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  • サイコパシー特性と非道徳的行動の関係に対するサポートの調整効果
  • サイコパシー トクセイ ト ヒドウトクテキ コウドウ ノ カンケイ ニ タイスル サポート ノ チョウセイ コウカ

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<p>Many empirical studies have indicated a possible relationship between psychopathic traits and immoral behaviors. Conversely, some studies suggest that social support from a person’s family moderates this relationship. This study examined the moderating effect of family, friend, or romantic partner support on the relationship of psychopathic traits with immoral intentions and behaviors. A total of 486 college students completed the questionnaire. The results indicated that insufficient family support promotes immoral financial behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits, which is consistent with previous studies. However, excessive support from family, friend, or a romantic partner promotes interpersonal immoral behaviors among students with strong psychopathic traits. These findings suggest that social support moderates the relationship between immoral behaviors and psychopathic traits. The results also suggest that an appropriate level of family support without excessive interference or overprotection as well as appropriate social support from a friend or romantic partner are essential to regulate the effect of psychopathic traits on immoral behaviors.</p>


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