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  • The effects of charity advertising on donations and donors’ explicit and implicit evaluations of recipients
  • ボキン コウコク ノ ビョウシャ ガ エンジョ タイショウ エ ノ ケンザイテキ ・ センザイテキ ヒョウカ オヨビ キフ コウドウ ニ アタエル エイキョウ



Advertisements for charity generally employ one of two advertising strategies. The first appeals to the efficacy of support, while the second appeals to the necessity of support. Two experiments investigated the effect of each type of charity advertising on donations and on donors’ explicit and implicit evaluations of the recipients. The results indicated that although participants’ explicit evaluations of charity recipients were not changed by efficacy-based advertising, they were negatively influenced by necessity-based advertising. Furthermore, Experiment 1 detected moderating effects of empathic concern. The explicit evaluations of participants in the necessity-based advertising group were negatively correlated with their empathic concern. Implicit evaluations were consistently negative in both groups. Both advertising strategies were more effective at securing donations than the control group, which did not use any strategies. These findings suggest practical implications for charity advertising.


  • 心理学研究

    心理学研究 86 (1), 21-31, 2015

    公益社団法人 日本心理学会

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