Relationship Between Performance Rating and Risk for Low Back Pain in Manufacturing Line Workers

  • HIGUCHI Yoshiyuki
    Department of Ergonomics, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
  • FUNAHASHI Atsushi
    Health Promotion Center, Mazda Motor Corporation
  • IZUMI Hiroyuki
    Department of Ergonomics, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
  • KUMASHIRO Masaharu
    Department of Ergonomics, Institute of Industrial Ecological Sciences, University of Occupational and Environmental Health

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  • 流れ作業における主観的作業速度評価と職業性腰痛リスクとの関連
  • ナガレサギョウ ニ オケル シュカンテキ サギョウ ソクド ヒョウカ ト ショクギョウセイ ヨウツウ リスク ト ノ カンレン

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It is possible that the performance rating of line workers is affected by the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders that are included in their work more so than by the actual takt time. To investigate whether performance rating relates to the risk factors for musculoskeletal disorders, we analyzed a dataset obtained from a self-administered questionnaire answered by assembly line workers (n=1579). As a result, performance rating had a significant association with unsuitable work environments, poor working postures and handling of heavy loads. The workers who reported the fastest rating had a higher exposure than others to the risk factors for occupational low back pain. The results of our study support the effectiveness of performance rating as an index of work burden.


  • Journal of UOEH

    Journal of UOEH 34 (1), 47-55, 2012

    The University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan

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