18世紀後半ジュネーヴ市の移入民における出身地・職業構成の転換と連続 : アビタンの記録と滞在許可証の分析を中心として


  • Change and continuity in the origins and vocations of immigrants in Geneva in the late 18th century
  • 18セイキ コウハン ジュネーヴシ ノ イニュウミン ニ オケル シュッシンチ ショクギョウ コウセイ ノ テンカン ト レンゾク アビタン ノ キロク ト タイザイ キョカショウ ノ ブンセキ オ チュウシン ト シテ



The purpose of this paper is to analyze the origins and vocations of immigrants in Geneva by using the 'Book of inhabitants' and residence permits and also to study change and continuity in the late 18th century. In the early 18th century, most immigrants came from southern France. In the middle of the 18th century, the ratio of immigrants from Germany and German-speaking Switzerland increased, while French immigrants decreased. Despite the changes in the proportion of their places of origin, the occupational make-up of the immigrants remained unchanged. There were two major categories of work. The first comprised the professions making products for export, represented by watchmakers. The second comprised professions making daily necessaries, such as shoemakers and tailors. Those in the former professions were mostly from French-speaking regions, where the watch-making industry was already established. Workers in the latter category shifted from those from French-speaking regions to those from German-speaking regions. During this period, most Genevans sought employment in professions in the former category but rarely in the latter. It might be said that the immigrants played an important role in correcting this unbalanced situation.


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