The Peasant Family Economy and Family Llfe-cycle in Tokugawa Japan : A Case Study of Higashi-Yokoyama-mura, Mino Rrovince

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  • 近世日本の小農家族経済と世帯ライフサイクル : 美濃国大野郡東横山村
  • キンセイ ニホン ノ ショウノウ カゾク ケイザイ ト セタイ ライフ サイク

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The purpose of this paper is to explore a mechanism of family labour distribution to farming and non-farming activities in a peasant family economy and to find out a relation between an amount of family landholing and family life-cycle in a peasant family household. As for the first problem, peasant family households distributed their total family labour to farming and non-farming activities in order to increase their total incomes. The mechanism of family labour distribution owed to "Chayanov-Rule" (by M. SHALINS) in farming activities and to "Douglas-Arisawa Findings" in the choice of non-farming ones. Concerning to the second problem, peasant family households changed amounts of their landholding to their C-P ratio (a ratio of consumers index to producers index within a family household). This relationship also materializes an inter-household collectivity in a Tokugawa village life,. So it will do much for the development of quantitative veserdhes in historical sociology of Tokugawa Japan. Additionally these findings appeal the usefulness of quantitative methods and the importance of logical thought in historical researches, and the other hand they cast the doubt on traditional views of the Tokugawa peasantry.


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