ドイツにおける競争規制と中小資本の位置 : 第一次世界大戦前後の転換 (「産業の規律」と独占 : 労働と資本と国家)


  • From the Rule of Fair Trade under Free Competition to the Governmental Regulation of Competition in Germany
  • ドイツにおける競争規制と中小資本の位置--第1次世界大戦前後の転換
  • ドイツ ニ オケル キョウソウ キセイ ト チュウショウ シホン ノ イチ ダ



This essay focuses on the development from the rule and practice of fair trade, which serbed as a way of economic activity under free competition in the 19th century, to the state intervention against destructive competition and against monopoly from the viewpoint of fair trade principle after the World War I in Germany. The fair trade rule, which was established in 1896 as a law, Reichsgesetz zur Bekampfung des unlauteren Wettbewerbs, was by no means a system-atic regulation of competition by the government, but a way of economic activity like a habit for business under free competition. Such an advertisement and a praising, that was not really true, was regarded as nufair; incorrect marking of number, length, contents and weight of commodity as well as excessive price-cutting, which was much below the normal price(price of production, natural price), was considered as unfair also. As the rise of "heavy industries" was bringing the era of competitive capitalism to a close, and as small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in "finishing industries" (Fertigwarenindustrie) were compelled into the destructive competition after the World War I, the government of Weimar Republic attempted to intervene against the growth of monopolistic business positions. However it was after the crisis of 1929, especially under the government of National Socialism, that the state intervened in competition in order to protect the small and medium-sized enterprises. Das Gesetz uber die Errichtung von Zwangskartellen of 1933 intended to avoid the destructive competition among them by the governmental support of establishment of cartels in the finishing industries, which would maintain the "gerechten Preis" in the market. Das Wirtschaftsaufbaugesetz of 1934 enabled the state to organize the economic groups and put the market copetition in order from the viewpoint of fair trade.


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