
DOI HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • The Origin and Beginning of Institutionalized “Invention of Tradition” in Indonesia:
  • インドネシアにおける「創られた伝統」の萌芽と制度化の端緒--日本占領期ジャワにおけるゴトン・ロヨン(相互扶助)をめぐって
  • インドネシア ニ オケル ツクラレタ デントウ ノ ホウガ ト セイドカ ノ タンショ ニホン センリョウキ ジャワ ニ オケル ゴトン ロヨン ソウゴ フジョ オ メグッテ
  • ――日本占領期ジャワにおけるゴトン・ロヨン(相互扶助)をめぐって――
  • The Case of Gotong Royong in Java under the Japanese Occupation



In 1942, the Japanese military administration in Java established “The Committee for the Study of Former Customs and Political Systems” (Kyukan Seido Chosa Iinkai) as a consultative body of the administration. Through the participation of Indonesian nationalists, the Committee learned about and came to recognize gotong royong as a Javanese “tradition.” This “tradition” functioned as a social safety net in rural society to support people who encountered difficulties like unemployment. At the same time, the military administration focused attention on autonomy and community cooperativeness at the level of the Javanese village, or desa, and tried to leverage them for the administration's benefit.<br>  Consequently, the desa was recognized as a place where gotong royong was practiced. One gotong royong practice in particular, the night watch system, or ronda, was institutionalized through reorganization into a function of the defense group Keibodan, newly established by the administration as a subsidiary organ to the police. Ronda became a symbol of autonomy and community cooperativeness, even as it was transformed into a subtle mechanism of support for the military administration.


  • 東南アジア研究

    東南アジア研究 44 (1), 55-77, 2006


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