キダチアロエ, アロエベラおよびアロエアフリカーナのマイトジェン活性および抗腫瘍活性


  • Mitogenic activity and antitumor activity of <I>Aloe arborescens</I> Miller, <I>Aloe barbadensis</I> Miller and <I>Aloe africana</I> Miller
  • キダチアロエ アロエベラ オヨビ アロエアフリカーナ ノ マイトジェン カッセイ オヨビ コウ シュヨウ カッセイ



Mitogenic activity and antitumor activity of Aloe arborescens Miller, Aloe barbadensis Miller and Aloe africana Miller, which have been used as traditional drugs and health food, were studied. The raw fresh aloe was divided into flesh and skins, and was lyophilized. Fraction were obtained by extraction with hot water, 0.1M NaOH and 0.5M NaOH. Mitogen assay was performed for all fraction using spleen cells from mice (_??_), C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ. Six fractions showed mitogenic activity towards spleen cells of C3H/HeN. In addition, although the proteins were removed with actinase, the samples continued to show this activity. Among them, the non-dialyzable fraction of hot water extracts from a skin of Aloe arborescens Miller and the non-dialyzable fraction of hot water extracts from a skin of Aloe africana Miller showed strong mitogenic activity towards cells of C3H/HeJ, suggesting that it was free from bacterial endotoxic lipopolysaccharide. These results suggest that the activity components are not located in the protein region. No fraction showed antitumor activity against Sarcoma 180 ascites in mice.


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