- OHBA Hiroshi
- 八幡製鉄 (株) 八幡製鉄所技術研究所
- 八幡製鉄 (株) 八幡製鉄所技術研究所
- TANIYAMA Mitsuya
- 八幡製鉄 (株) 八幡製鉄所技術研究所
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 高炉用炭素レンガの使用後性状と損耗機構
- コウロヨウ タンソ レンガ ノ シヨウ ゴ セイジョウ ト ソンモウ キコウ
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Application of carbon blocks to blast furnace bottom initiated in 1951 at Yawata. Since then, troubles of bottom linings have decreased prominently and total iron production of a furnace has increased.<BR>At Yawata, six carbon bottom furnaces have been blown out up to today and properties of used carbon blocks have been investigated. As the results, it is found that carbon blocks absorb considerably large amounts of foreign components, especially molten iron before wear proceeds, resulting in disintegration of brick texture, strength lowering, pore enlargement, crack formation and shrinkage. These property changes were considered to accelerate wearing rate of carbon blocks. From the investigation of used carbon blocks, the wear mechanism of carbon blocks is discussed in relation with carburization, oxidization, floatation and so on. To reduce the degree of property alteration, the authors have studied on improvement of carbon block quality and found anthracite superior to metallurgical coke in high temperature stability and alkali attack resistance. At Yawata, anthracite base carbon blocks are adopted and trouble-free operation is established since 1966.
- Tetsu-to-Hagane
Tetsu-to-Hagane 54 (8), 859-864, 1968
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680127736832
- NII Article ID
- 110001487294
- NII Book ID
- AN00151251
- 18832954
- 00211575
- 8310670
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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