

  • Study on Grain Boundary Internal Friction of Iron-base Binary Alloys
  • テツキ 2ゲンケイ ゴウキン ノ ケッショウ リュウカイ ナイブ マサツ



The temperature dependence of the internal friction and the shear modulus of several iron binary alloys (alloying elements: C, Co, V, Al, Ti, Zr) was measured under cold-worked and primarily recrystallized condition. Some resemblance was seen between the temperature dependence of as-cold-worked internal friction or shear modulus and that of as-annealed.<BR>The effects of the alloying elements on the so-called grain boundary internal friction phenomena are as follows:<BR>1) With increasing size-factor and content of the alloying element, the activation energy of the solvent peaks and the solute peaks increases.<BR>2) If the size-factor is large, even a small addition of the alloying element causes at ransition from solvent peak to solute peak.<BR>3) The alloying elements increase half-value width of the peak.<BR>4) The correspondence of the internal friction peak height and the 4M effect is missed in some cases.<BR>In place of the grain boundary sliding model which has many difficulties on its application, a new mechanism was proposed based on movement of the sub-boundary dislocation or migration of a special boundary i. e. a coincidence site lattice boundary on which sub-boundary dislocation net-work is superimposed.


  • 鉄と鋼

    鉄と鋼 54 (11), 1134-1151, 1968

    一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会

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