疲れ過程における応力ひずみ履歴曲線について : III.重複繰返し荷重による強化の原因


  • The Micro Plastic Stress-Strain Hysteresis Loops of Steel during the Fatigue Process : III. An Analysis on the Fatigue Strength under Multiple Repeated Stresses
  • ツカレ カテイ ニ オケル オウリョクヒズミ リレキ キョクセン ニ ツイテ 3



In order to investigate the Cumulative fatigue strength under the double repeated stresses, the stress-strain hysteresis loops were measured through all stages of fatigue process. The main results obtained are as follows : (1) The main reason prolonging the fatigue life is caused by the strain aging effect in the case of ascending stressing; and the sums of hysteresis energy accumulating until fatigue failure are increased in the same case. (2) Under the strain aging effect the magnitudes of hysteresis energy are decreased in the case of ascending stressing, but under not the strain aging effect the magnitudes hof one are increased. (3) The sum-totals of hysteresis energy are proportional to the fatigue life. (4) The strain aging effect does not cause the variation of fatigue life in the case of descending stressing.


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