An Adaptive Interface System Based on a Speech Meaning Acquisition Model

  • KOMATSU Takanori
    Department of General System Studies, The University of Tokyo
  • SUZUKI Kentaro
    Department of General System Studies, The University of Tokyo
  • UEDA Kazuhiro
    Department of General System Studies, The University of Tokyo
  • HIRAKI Kazuo
    Department of General System Studies, The University of Tokyo JST/Presto
  • OKA Natsuki
    Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

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Other Title
  • 発話理解学習を利用した適応的インターフェイス
  • ハツワ リカイ ガクシュウ オ リヨウ シタ テキオウテキ インターフェイス ニンゲン ドウシ ノ コミュニケーション セイリツ カテイ カラ ノ チケン
  • From a Perspective of Human-Human Communication Establishment Process
  • 人間同士のコミュニケーション成立過程からの知見

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The purpose of this study is to propose a speech meaning acquisition model, which can be applied for an adaptive interface system, from a perspective of human-human communication establishment process. The model was designed to discriminate the types of instructions based on salient prosodic features and to recognize the given instructions using a positive reward (given for its successful action) and a negative reward (from the utterance of a instructor which draws listener's attention). As a result of a test, this model could eventually learn to recognize the given instruction from an actual human instructor. It is expected that the constructed meaning acquisition model can be applied for an adaptive interface system, which provides a natural interaction environment for its user.


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