

  • Establishment of the Observing System for Boron in Steels by Alpha-particle Track Etching Method Using JAERI Reactor
  • 原研炉を用いたα線トラックエッチング法による鋼中ボロンの状態分布観察システムの確立(技術報告)
  • ゲンケンロ オ モチイタ アルファセン トラックエッチングホウ ニ ヨル コウ チュウ ボロン ノ ジョウタイ ブンプ カンサツ システム ノ カクリツ ギジュツ ホウコク



Alpha-particle track etching (ATE) method is most effective in observing boron distribution in steels. Previously, in Japan, neutron irradiation for this method was carried out in the reactor at the Institute of Atomic Energy, Rikkyo University. This reactor, however, was shut down in 1999. Therefore, the establishment of a new system for ATE method has been required and experimental research was performed using the reactor at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). It was clarified that the irradiation equipment for medical treatment of the reactor JRR-4 was most suitable for ATE method. The specimen trestle for low radioactive exposure was newly-developed. ATE image obtained by 12 h irradiation using this trestle showed a good quality similar to that obtained using Rikkyo's reactor and that obtained using the trestle of the old model. Using this new trestle, the amount of neutron which the worker suffers during the operation at the irradiation equipment decreases from 4μSv/h to 0-1μSv/h compared with the trestle of the old model. The total amount of thermal neutron after 12 h irradiation was almost same as that under the recommended condition of the reactor at Rikkyo University, 6.5×1014ncm-2.


  • 鉄と鋼

    鉄と鋼 89 (3), 369-374, 2003

    一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会

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