Thermal Analyses of the Sintering Reactions of Iron Ores

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  • 熱分析による鉄鉱石焼結反応の解析
  • ネツ ブンセキ ニヨル テッコウセキ ショウケツ ハンノウ ノ カイセキ

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Sintering phenomena of iron ores have been examined by applying several methods of thermal analyses, i.e., thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Particular focus was given on the assimilation and melting behavior of major raw materials.<BR>For the reaction between fine iron ores and limestone, heat of initial melting has a negative relation with SiO2 content of the ore. Mineral state of Al2O3 component influences the melting temperature of the mixture, possibly through the stabilization of calcium ferrite phase formed during heating. However, that of MgO component does not have much effect on the melting behavior. Increase in particle size of are gives remarkable effect in promoting initial melting when using ores having relatively high gangue minerals at a lower total CaO concentration. In contrast, increase in limestone size tends to suppress.initial melting at higher total CaO concentration. Reaction between melt and coarse iron are particles proceeds from lower temperature when using pisolitic ores while are having high iron content slowly dissolves at higher temperature. Reactivity of dolomite with melt is larger than serpentine and promotes formation of initial melting.


  • Tetsu-to-Hagane

    Tetsu-to-Hagane 83 (9), 539-544, 1997

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

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