

  • Breeding of Mice with Spontaneous Alveolar Formation in the Mammary Gland
  • ジハツセイ ニュウセン ロホウ ケイセイ マウス ケイトウ ノ イクセイ エイブン 1
  • I. Frequency of spontaneous alveolar formation and sexual cycle in mouse strains
  • I. 自発性乳腺瀘胞形成の系統•家系内における頻度と形成マウスにおける性周期



The mammary gland was examined in virgin mice of several strains at 10 to 14 weeks of age. Specimens were prepared by the whole-mount method. The results obtained are as follows.<br>1. Some strains of mice often exhibited spontaneous alveolar formation (SAF) in the mammary gland. Mice of the Kasukabe group showed 32-38 per cent of frequency of SAF.<br>2. In the Kasukabe group, a difference in the occurrence of SAF was found between families. Some families showed more than 50 per cent of frequency.<br>3. Mice manifested a marked SAF when they were examined on about 87 days of age.<br>4. Vaginal smear collected on the day of examination was of little value for estimation of the pattern of mammary-gland development.<br>5. The length of estrous cycle seemed not to be inconsistent to the occurrence of SAF.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 33 (3), 256-264, 1962

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

