

  • Effect of Feeding High-Barley and Cooked Barley on the Amount of Starch Escaping into the Abomasum
  • オオムギ ノ タキュウ オヨビ シャフツ ショリ ガ メンヨウ ダイヨン イナ



Two wethers fitted with ruminal and abomasal fistulas were used to evaluate the relationship between rumen fermentation and the amounts of starch escaping into the abomasum at different levels of raw and cooked barley intake. Ruminal digesta was collected three hours after feeding for three days and abomasal digesta at intervals of two hours after feeding for three days. The average percentage of the dietary starch escaping into the abomasum measured by the lignin ratio technique was 1.5-4.2% in the raw barley diet(crushed barley: alfalfa hay cube=50:50), 1.5-5.5% in the cooked barley diet (50:50)and 1.9-5.8% in the raw barley diet (80:20), respectively. There we re remarkable differences in the values between two animals when the cooked barley diet (80:20) was fed; being 3.2-14.5% in the sheep No. 1 and 1.4-4.3% in the sheep No. 2. Total VFA concentration and acetate to propionate ratio were lower in the sheep fed the cooked barley diet, especially in the sheep No. 1 fed the cooked barley diet (80:20), than in the sheep fed the raw barley diet.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 46 (5), 290-296, 1975

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

